九星号は急停車! 歌詞
Kyuusei-gou wa Kyuuteisha! Lyrics
Lirik Lagu Kyuusei-gou wa Kyuuteisha!
Song Details | |
九星号は 急停車! |
The Kyusei-go Stops Suddenly! |
Kyuusei-gou wa Kyuuteisha! |
Kyuusei-gou Tiba-Tiba Berhenti! |
斎川唯 (CV.高尾奏音) |
Yui Saikawa (CV. Kanon Takao) |
作詞:Nor 作曲:Nor |
Lyricist: Nor Composer: Nor |
アニメ | Anime |
探偵はもう、死んでいる。 挿入歌 |
Tantei wa Mou, Shindeiru. | |
The Detective is Already Dead | |
Insert Theme Song | |
Support The Artist(s) via: | |
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Kanji | Romanized | English (Updating Soon) |
Indonesian (Tunggu sebentar, ya) |
るんたったー |
Runtattaa |
If you're seeing this, |
If you're seeing this, |
All lyrics in this blog are translated
by Nakari Amane (unless noted)
Taking without permission is prohibited
by Nakari Amane (unless noted)
Taking without permission is prohibited
I've passed the highest level
of Japanese language
but I'm a native Indonesian.
So there will be so many
grammar errors in my translations.
Feel free to do grammar-nazi.
of Japanese language
but I'm a native Indonesian.
So there will be so many
grammar errors in my translations.
Feel free to do grammar-nazi.
Any little support will become
a source of motivation for me
to keep updating this blog
and improving my translations.
Thank you (´・ω・)`

a source of motivation for me
to keep updating this blog
and improving my translations.
Thank you (´・ω・)`

I will feel really happy if my translations have helped you and really hope we could exchange a word XD.
If you enjoy my content, please consider supporting what I do via Ko-fi: Nakari Amane
or via Trakteer: Nakari Amane
I'm selling some J-Pop CD via: Tokopedia