This song is from
Mare Original Soundtrack (Dorama OST)
English Lyrics | Indonesian |
Song of..
How long must I wait?
The hopes that I chase
Whether it's too late
If my bird has flown
The dreamer you've been
Your little girl has become
What should I do?
Your plans fell through for you
But I must believe in myself
But I must believe in myself
Don't say goodbye
Two birds are flying high
And I must leave on a wind
only for the few
Dangerous and lonely times
there may be
She's forever asking
will she leave
Is this what a dreamer
should feel?
Say goodbye to my drab
and passive days right now
You've found the gem in me
There's no other reason,
you made me what I am
No more cry
I don't have to be in despair
Just to live according to how I feel
Your words often echoes in my heart
I can say it's all because of you
Don't say goodbye
Are the clouds forever new?
Inspiring me feather's
can change from grey to blue
Every second children are being born
I can keep the world
they enter warm
and still full of the spirit of dawn
Let's sing a song of the future
We're on a great adventure
Do you know a song of the future?
We're always wishing and dreaming on
Let's sing a song of the future
Might be the hard adventure
No matter how it hurts
Keep on going just keep on moving
We're gonna draw our ways
How long must I wait?
The hopes that I chase
Whether it's too late
If my bird has flown
The dreamer you've been
Your little girl has become
What should I do?
Your plans fell through for you
But I must believe in myself
But I must believe in myself
Song of..
Lyricist: Benjamin・mpi・cAnON
Composer: Sawano Hiroyuki
Berapa lama harus kutunggu?
Harapan yang kukejar
Apakah sudah terlambat
jika burungku
telah terbang?
Kau yang pernah menjadi pemimpi
Gadis kecilmu telah dewasa
Apa yang harus kulaku?
Rencanamu gagal demi dirimu
Tapi kuharus percaya pada diriku sendiri
Tapi kuharus percaya pada diriku sendiri
Jangan ucapkan selamat tinggal
Dua burung tengah terbang tinggi
Dan kuharus meninggalkan angin
hanya untuk beberapa orang
Mungkin akan ada waktu
yang berbahaya dan sepi
Ia senantiasa bertanya
apakah dia akan pergi
Inikah yang harus dirasakan
oleh pemimpi?
Sekarang juga, ucapkan selamat tinggal
pada hari-hari suram dan pasif
Kau telah menemukan permata di dalamku
Tak ada alasan lain,
kau membuatku menjadi diriku sendiri
Tak perlu menangis lagi
Kutak harus berputusasa
Hanya hidup sesuai dengan apa yang kurasakan
Kata-katamu sering bergema di hatiku
Kubisa mengatakan itu semua karena dirimu
Jangan ucapkan selamat tinggal
Apakah awan selamanya baru?
Menginspirasiku bahwa bulu dapat berubah
dari abu-abu menjadi biru
Setiap detik anak-anak dilahirkan
Kubisa menjaga dunia
mereka datang dalam keadaan hangat
dan masih penuh dengan semangat fajar
Mari kita nyanyikan lagu masa depan
Kita berada di tengah petualangan hebat
Apakah kau tahu lagu masa depan?
Kita selalu berharap dan bermimpi
Mari kita nyanyikan lagu masa depan
Mungkin akan menjadi petualangan yang sulit
Tak peduli bagaimana sakitnya
Terus berjalan, teruslah bergerak maju
Kita akan menggambar cara kita
Berapa lama harus kutunggu?
Harapan yang kukejar
Apakah sudah terlambat
jika burungku
telah terbang?
Kau yang pernah menjadi pemimpi
Gadis kecilmu telah dewasa
Apa yang harus kulaku?
Rencanamu gagal demi dirimu
Tapi kuharus percaya pada diriku sendiri
Tapi kuharus percaya pada diriku sendiri
All lyrics in this blog are translated
by Nakari Amane (unless noted)
Taking without permission is prohibited
by Nakari Amane (unless noted)
Taking without permission is prohibited
I've passed the highest level
of Japanese language
but I'm a native Indonesian.
So there will be so many
grammar errors in my translations.
Feel free to do grammar-nazi.
of Japanese language
but I'm a native Indonesian.
So there will be so many
grammar errors in my translations.
Feel free to do grammar-nazi.
Any little support will become
a source of motivation for me
to keep updating this blog
and improving my translations.
Thank you (´・ω・)`

a source of motivation for me
to keep updating this blog
and improving my translations.
Thank you (´・ω・)`

I will feel really happy if my translations have helped you and really hope we could exchange a word XD.
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